Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ramaze - Forgot Password II

Edit 2009-11-30

This in from Jeremy Evans
Looks better, but I recommend a few more changes:

1) You need to salt your password hashes. Unsalted hashes are better
than storing the password in plaintext, but most common hash
algorithms probably already have large rainbow tables that will allow
an easy lookup of most passwords given an unsalted hash.

2) I would recommend at least including random data when generating
the random key for password resets. Your use of the username and makes it guessable if you know roughly when the user
requested/will request a password change. encrypt_password is a
poorly named method, since you are hashing, not encrypting (encrypting
implies the possibility of decrypting, while hashing is one way).

3) I generally put a time limit on password resets. That way if
someone requests one, but then remembers their password and doesn't
change it, they are not vulnerable to someone else changing it next

So, add the salt for the password, modify the generate_rand_key() to add a random component (possibly just add a #{rand(1000000)} to the end of the string to add in a 6 digit random component, rename encrypt_password to say hash_password, and finally add a time limit. Here, you'll need to add a date to the user table, add a date when you generate_rand_key(), and check this in change_password() when you also test the existence of a user with the key.

Thanks for the improvements Jeremy.


After my last post, I received, as I noted, some rather stern comments on a) saving passwords in plaintext in the database and b) sending them in plaintext via email. So, I decided to fix the example up to make it a bit better. We'll be saving the password as a hash in the database and also when the user forgets their password, we'll send a link to let them change it. One other suggestion was to add a salt for the password hash which is easy enough to do, but I've left it as an exercise for the reader. I should note that some of the ideas in this post were stolen (and I mean that in the good sense) from JustKez. This post is definitely worth reading over as are others on the site.

OK, let's get started. We'll start out with the database migration.

# dbMigration/001_ForgotPassword.rb
# This is the "new" way to do migrations by using the form.
# It means that a new class name is not required and so there is no chance
# of creating a second class in the migration files that is the same as the
# first causing problems. do
def up
# Create the users table.
create_table(:users) do
primary_key :id
String :user_name
String :password
String :email
String :rand_key


def down
# Remove the two tables.

This is a bit simpler than in the previous example. We're only going to have a users table with the user_name, password (which will be encrypted), an email address, and a random key (used for sending the user their password). The down method will just drop the users table. To generate the password, simply type sequel -M dbMigration/ sqlite://forgot.db. This will create the database we'll use for the project.

The model for this is pretty simple too.

# models/models.rb
# Create the User model. Each user can have a single challenge question.
require 'digest/sha1'
class User < Sequel::Model

# Return an encrypted password based on the one passed in.
def self.encrypt_password(password)

# Generate a random key based on the username and the current time in
# rand_key and save the model back to the database. We'll use this to email
# the user so that they can changer their password.
def generate_rand_key
self.rand_key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{@username} -- #{}")

The only model we have is for the User. We have a couple of methods. The first is a Class level method for encrypting the password. We create a hash of the password using SHA1 and return the value (it will be used for creation of the user and changing the password). The second method is for generating a random key which will be passed as part of a link to the user in case they forget or lose their password.

Here's our start code

# start.rb
# This is the main program for the example. It loads the Sequel database,
# loads the controllers and models, and then starts up Ramaze.
# The database should have been set up using the database migrations in
# the dbMigration directory.
require 'rubygems'
require 'ramaze'
require 'sequel'

# Required for mailing.
require 'net/smtp'
require 'mailit'

# Create the mailer.
MAILER = => 'MailServer.MyCompany.COM', :port => 25, :username => 'ApplicationName',
:password => 'ApplicationPassword')

# Open the forgot password database. This must be done before we access the
# models that use it.
DB = Sequel.sqlite("forgot.db")

# Load the controllers and models.
require 'models/models'
require 'controllers/main_controller'

# Start Ramaze.

This is pretty much the same as most of our start files. We add in the code for mailit, open the database, and then require our models and controllers. Finally, we start ramaze.

Next up our only controller.

# controllers/main_controller.rb
# The mainController has a single method index. First map to / for
# the view. Next, set the layout to page so that we use the layout/page.xhtml for our
# layout.
class MainController < Ramaze::Controller

# The Main controller will be accessed using "main" as in:
# http://localhost:7000/main.
map '/'

# Use page.xhtml in the layout directory for layout except
# for when we're doing AJAX.
layout(:page) { !request.xhr? }

# Set up a helper to check if we're logged in and only allow access
# to the :logged_in page if we are. This is probably the hard way to
# do this for only the single page but will make much more sense if
# we add more pages as we'd do in a real application.
helper :aspect
before(:account_settings, :main) {
unless logged_in?
# Set the flash message which will only be available in the next
# screen. In this case that will be the logged_in screen.
flash[:message] = "You must log in before accessing the requested page."
redirect rs(:index)

# You can access it now with http://localhost:7000/
def index
@title = "SteamCode - User"

# Placeholder for real content.
def main

# Placeholder for real content.
def about

# Placeholder for real content.
def help
"<h2>User Help</h2>"

# Register a new user with SteamCode. We will get here from the
# views/register.xhtml page where the user will put in their (requested)
# login, password, and email address. First find if the user already
# exists, if it does, then we'll set a message to tell the user so and
# redirect them back to the register screen. If not, we'll go ahead and add
# them to the database with the appropriate login, password, and email
# address. We'll then send them to the login screen to let them log in to
# SteamCode.
def register
@title = "Register with SteamCode"
# Make sure we're getting here from a post request.
# Check the login and password.
# if we find the Account based on the login and password. If we find it
# we'll save the login ID in the session variable and we can use that
# to show if the Account is currently logged in or not. If we can't
# find the Account, we'll set the flash message, set the session to nil
# and just stay on this page.
unless User.find(:user_name => request[:user_name])
# This account does not exist. Grab the user_name, the password,
# and the email and create a new Account with them.
user_name = request[:user_name]
password = request[:password]
email = request[:email]

# Create the account with the user_name, password, and email given.
user = User.create(:user_name => user_name, :password => User.encrypt_password(password), :email => email)
Ramaze::Log.debug "New User Added: user_name = #{user.user_name} password = #{user.password} email = #{}"

# Redirect to the login page.
redirect rs(:login)

# This user already exists. Set the flash message for them to
# try again.
flash[:message] = "Login #{request[:user_name]} already used. Please select another."

# Stay on the register page.
redirect rs(:register)

# Login to Steamcode. If the request is a post, then we'll try to find the
# user. If we succeed then we'll set some session variables and redirect to
# the main page (which the user can only access if they're logged in). If they
# can't be logged in, we'll set a flash message, reset the session, and redirect
# back to the login page.
def login
@title = "Login to SteamCode"
if user = User.find(:user_name => request[:user_name], :password => User.encrypt_password(request[:password]))
# Use the name= portion of the input form to grab the data
# from the request variable and save it in the session
# hash table.
session[:user_id] =
session[:user_name] = user.user_name

# Redirect to the main screen.
redirect rs(:main)
# The login could not be authorized. Set the flash message
# and stay on this page (index/login). Set the session loginID
# to nil also. This will effectively log the user out. This would
# be reasonable if they are logged in and then try to log in with
# a new login/password.
flash[:message] = "Incorrect user name or password, please try again!!!"
session[:user_id] = nil
session[:user_name] = nil

# Stay on the login page.
redirect rs(:login)

# Let the user change account settings. For now this is
# just the email and password.
def account_settings
@title = "Account Settings for SteamCode"
user = User[session[:user_id]]
user = User[session[:user_id]] = request[:email]
user.password = User.encrypt_password(request[:password])
flash[:message] = "New email and/or password saved."
redirect rs(:main)
@current_email =

# Logout of the system. Set the flash message and then
# set the session values to nil. Finally, redirect back to the
# index page.
def logout
@title = "Logout from SteamCode"
flash[:message] = "#{session[:user_name]} Logged out"
session[:user_id] = nil
session[:user_name] = nil
redirect rs(:index)

# The user has requested that we email their password back to them. Generate
# a random key and email it to them to allow them to change their password.
def forgot_password
# Final submit.
if user = User.find(:user_name => request[:user_name])

# Generate a key and associate it with the user_name.

# Create the mail message and fill it in with the appropriate
# information (to/from/subject/text). Then send it off.
mail = =
mail.from = ""
mail.subject = "Steamcode Password"
mail.text = "To change your password: http://localhost:7000/change_password/#{user.rand_key}"

# Send the mail message via the MAILER (created in start.rb).

# Just go back to the login page.
redirect rs(:login)
flash[:message] = "Could not find user: #{request[:user_name]}"

# Could not find user with this user_name.
redirect rs(:forgot_password)

# The key will be the key that we created above when the user asked
# for the password change. It will be passed as a parameter when the user
# clicks on the link that was emailed to them.
def change_password(key)
# Check to make sure that there's a user with this key.
user = User.find(:rand_key => key)
if user
# We got here from a post and there's a user with the key. Go ahead
# and a) change the password, b) reset the random key, and c) save
# the new user information. Then set the flash message and put them
# on the login screen.
user.password = User.encrypt_password(request[:password])
user.rand_key = nil
flash[:message] = "Your new password saved."
redirect rs(:login)
# There wasn't a user with this random key. Just flash a message
# and then redirect to the login screen.
flash[:message] = "This does not appear to be a valid request."
redirect rs(:login)


# If the user is logged in, the session will
# contain a non nil user id.
def logged_in?
session[:user_id] != nil

This is very similar to many of our other controllers from our past posts. We map to '/', Add the layout (which won't be used for AJAX calls (not used here anyway)), and then the aspect which will prevent the user from going to certain pages unless they're logged in to the system. The next four methods, index, main, about, and help are really just place holders. Index is where the user will end up initially and main is where they will end up after logging in. Then we have the register page. This will check if it's a post and if it is, try to find the user. If it can't find the user (note the use of "unless" here. To a certain extend, I'm trying to decide if it helps or hinder readability. Let me know what you think) it will create a new one with the parameters from the request hash. If the user already exists, we'll just flash a message back and redirect them back to the register page. Next we have the login method. We check to make sure this is from a post, then check to see if we can find the user based on their user name and password (using the model's encrypt_password method). If we find them, we go ahead and log them in (set the session variables) and redirect them to the main page. If not, we flash a message, reset the session variables, and redirect them back to the login page. The account_settings page let's the user reset their email and password. The logout page resets the session variables and then redirects back to the index page. Looking at it now, I'd recommend refactoring the session resets here and in login to their own private method (once again we'll leave that as an exercise). The forgot_password method is the reason for all of this. We check that it's a post and contains a valid user. If so, we generate a random key for the user (using the model method) and then create an email with the link containing this key. If we can't find the user, we'll flash a message and redirect back to the same page. Finally (for the pages anyway), we have the change_password page. This checks to see if we have user with this rand_key (from the link generated above) and if we do, we check if this is a post and change their password appropriately, reset the random key (so it's used only once), flash a message and redirect them back to the login page. If there wasn't a user with that random key, we simply flash a message and redirect them back to the login page. Finally, we have the private method that's used to check if a user is logged in to the system.

Here's our layout page.xhtml

<!-- view/page.xhtml -->

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="">
<!-- Use the page.css in the public directory and set title based on
what's set in the associated method.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/page.css"/>

<div id="whole_page">
<div id="header">

<div id="nav">
<!-- Main/User controller -->
<!-- Move this next section over to the right side of the screen. It
will contain the Login/Register if we're not logged in and the Logout
if we are. -->

<span style="float: right">
<!-- We're going to use the private method logged_in? here to test if
we want to show the Login/Register links or the Logout link -->

<?r if !logged_in? ?>
<a href="#{r(:login)}">Login</a>
<a href="#{r(:register)}">Register</a>
<?r else ?>
<a href="#{r(:account_settings)}">Account</a>
<a href="#{r(:logout)}">Logout</a>
<?r end ?>

<!-- These next three will be on the left side and always there -->
<a href="#{r(:index)}">Home</a> |
<a href="#{r(:about)}">About Us</a> |
<a href="#{r(:help)}">Help</a>

<div id="content">
<!-- Display the actual content. This will come from the method or the
associated view/*.xhtml file


<!-- Set the footer in the center of the screen. -->
<div id="footer" style="text-align: center;">
<h5> Powered by Ramaze </h5>

It's stripped down a bit from the last post and has all of the administration stuff removed. Since you've seen this in past posts, I won't go through it. It's mostly just code for the navigation with some content and a header and footer tossed in for good measure.

Let's take a look at the views for the project. They're really simple this time. No JavaScript and no AJAX. Here's the index.


Here's the login page

<a href="#{r(:forgot_password)}">Forgot your password?</a>

<form id="login" method="post">
<legend> Login </legend>
<!-- for= goes with id=, the name= is placed in the request variable. -->

<!-- Input for the user_name. -->
<label for="user_name">User Name:</label>
<input id="user_name" name="user_name" type="text" />

<!-- Input for the user_name. -->
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input id="password" name="password" type="password" />

<!-- Submit the login request. -->
<input type="submit" value="Login" />

There's just input boxes for the user name and password and a button for submitting.

Here's the registration page.

<!-- view/register.xhtml -->
<form id="register" method="post">
<!-- for= goes with id=, the name= is placed in the request variable. -->

<!-- Input for the user_name. -->
<label for="user_name">Login:</label>
<input id="user_name" name="user_name" type="text" />

<!-- Input for the password. -->
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input id="password" name="password" type="password" />

<!-- Input for the email. -->
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="text" />

<!-- Submit the new User -->
<input type="submit" value="Register" />

As above boxes for user name, password, and email plus the submit button.

Here's the page for changing the account settings.

<!-- Let's the user change their email and/or password -->
<form id="change_password" method="post">
<legend> Change Settings </legend>
<!-- Input for the email address. -->
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="text" value=#{@current_email} />

<!-- Input for the password. -->
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input id="password" name="password" type="password"/>

<!-- Submit the new email and/or password -->
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

This contains boxes for password and email (the user can't change their user_name) and the submit button.

Next is the forgot_password.xhtml.

<h2>Forgot Password</h2>

<form id="forgot_screen" method="post">
<legend> Forgot Password </legend>
<div id='forgot_password'>

<!-- for= goes with id=, the name= is placed in the request variable. -->
<!-- Input for the user_name. -->
<label for="user_name">User Name:</label>
<input id="user_name" name="user_name" type="text" value="User Name" />


<!-- Once they've put in the challenge answer, they will select -->
<!-- this and the system will send their password via email. -->
<input type="submit" value="Send Password" />

This has a box for the user_name and the submit button. When the user puts in their user_name and submits, an email is generated (see above) that provides a link to change their password. This page is the change_password.xhtml.

<!-- view/register.xhtml -->
<form id="change_password" method="post">
<!-- for= goes with id=, the name= is placed in the request variable. -->

<!-- Input for the password. -->
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input id="password" name="password" type="password" />

<!-- Submit the new User -->
<input type="submit" value="Change Password." />

Once again, dead simple with the password box and a submit (you'd probably want a confirmation password that would be checked using JavaScript, but we'll just assume that the user won't make any mistakes.

That's pretty much everything except for the CSS which is in public/page.css

#whole_page {
width: 50em;
margin: auto;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;
border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
border-color: black;
border-style: solid;

#content {
height: 100%;
background: white;
padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;

/* Header CSS */
#header {
color: white;
margin-bottom: 0;
padding: 0.25em;

#nav {
color: black;
padding: 0.5em;

/* Footer CSS */
#footer {
color: black;

So, I hope this works out for everyone a bit better than the last version and gets at least a bit closer to what you might use in a "real" project. Let me know if you have questions or comments.

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