Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All True

I was working a problem on Programming Praxis yesterday and ended up writing a little piece of code that returned true if every element in a hash was true. It used inject and I thought it would be worth posting a generalized version here.

module Enumerable
def all_true
self.inject(true) { |r, v| r && (yield v) }

We start by monkey patching the Enumerable module which will make it available for Arrays, Hashes, etc., basically anything that includes Enumerable. Next, we define the method all_true. The only line in the method is an inject which we initialize with true and then give it a block with two parameters, the r(esult) and the v(alue). We then and/&& the r(esult) with whatever the yield of the v(alue) returns.

You can test it with the following code ...

puts "#{[2, 4, 6, 8].all_true { |n| n%2 == 0 }}"
puts "#{[2, 4, 7, 8].all_true { |n| n%2 == 0 }}"

puts "#{{ 2=>2, 4=>4, 6=>6, 8=>8}.all_true { |n| n[0]%2 == 0 && n[1]%2 == 0 }}"
puts "#{{ 2=>2, 4=>4, 7=>7, 8=>8}.all_true { |n| n[0]%2 == 0 && n[1]%2 == 0 }}"

The first two of each set will return true, the second false.

As I've been doing the Programming Praxis problems, I've found myself using inject and its close relative map/collect more and more. I think this is partly because of the types of problems posted there and the influence of the solutions that are generated which tend to be functional programming based. At any rate, having a good understanding of both inject and map/collect will serve you well and simplify many of your day to day programming tasks.

Let me know if you have questions or comments.

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