# We present today a classic exercise that has been on my to-do list since the
# start of Programming Praxis.
# The n-queens problem is to find all possible ways to place n queens on an n ×
# n chess board in such a way that no two queens share a row, column, or
# diagonal. The diagram at right shows one way that can be done on a standard 8
# × 8 chess board.
# Your task is to write a program to find all such placements. When you are
# finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post
# your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.
class Board
# Create a new board, initialize with with all "b" and
# save the size of it.
def initialize(n)
@n = n
@board = Array.new(n)
@board.map! { Array.new(n, "b") }
# Print the current board.
def print_board
puts "Board:"
@board.each_index do |row|
@board.each_index do |col|
print "#{@board[row][col]}"
# Check if the row is safe by looping through each of the
# columns in the row.
def safe_row(suggested_row)
0.upto(@n-1) do |col|
return false if @board[suggested_row][col] == "Q"
return true
# Check if the column is safe by looping through each of the
# rows in the row.
def safe_col(suggested_col)
0.upto(@n-1) do |row|
return false if @board[row][suggested_col] == "Q"
return true
# Loop through in one diagonal direction to determine if the
# suggested row and column are safe.
def safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, row_mod, col_mod)
row,col = suggested_row+row_mod, suggested_col+col_mod
while true do
# Break out of the loop if the row or column is off the board.
break if (row >= @n) || (col >= @n) || (row < 0) || (col < 0)
# If this row or column has a queen, then it's not safe.
return false if @board[row][col] == "Q"
# Move in the appropriate direction.
row += row_mod
col += col_mod
# This direction is safe.
return true
def safe(suggested_row, suggested_col)
# Check the rows and columns for safe.
return false if !safe_row(suggested_row)
return false if !safe_col(suggested_col)
# Check the diagonals for safe.
return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, 1, 1)
return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, 1, -1)
return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, -1, 1)
return false if !safe_diag(suggested_row, suggested_col, -1, -1)
# Should be OK.
return true
# Solve the n-queens problem by making a call to the recursive solve_1
# method with 0 (the first row of the board) to start.
def solve
# The recursive method (by row) that loops through the columns and checks
# if the row given and the column are "safe". If they are we add a "Q" to
# the position and if the row is 0, we print it out (everthing is
# complete). If it's safe adn we aren't at 0 we move to the next row
# recursively. Finally, we reset the position to "b" (blank) when we
# return from the recursive call or from printing the board. If it's not
# "safe" then we just move to the next column and try that one.
def solve_1(row)
0.upto(@n-1) do |col|
if safe(row, col)
@board[row][col] = "Q"
if row == (@n-1)
@board[row][col] = "b"
# Solve the problem for 8 queens. There should be 92
# solutions.
board = Board.new(8).solve
I've put quite a few comments in there, but if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.